Thursday, July 25, 2013

Halfway There

Halfway There!
It's hard to believe that I am halfway done with my pregnancy! What a cake walk...Oh wait what am I talking about? I'm beyond tired and sore after a long day of waiting tables. Cake makes me sick still! Darn... Least I am avoiding the sweets still.  It's all about being creative with everything that has to do with this pregnancy.  Last week we learned that we are having a GIRL! My mom attended the ultrasound and before she was allowed to text anyone I had to come up with a quick way to announce what we were having and my phone was going off every five minutes from people trying to find out what it was.  I sent TJ on a wild goose chase to get the balloons for the picture that we would be taking.  Who would have thought that Party City would be out of air! Come on it is a party store and all, and they were unable to blow up balloons! Crazy huh?  Anyway turns out Safeway had the air and the balloons so we were able to get them from there! Meanwhile my mom was still with us. If you know anything about my mom she does not do city at all and I drug her all around getting things for this picture which she later found out she would be taking.  I think it turned out pretty good... What do you think?
Finding a empty field with nothing in the background was the hardest challenge.  We are very excited that it is a girl...Though TJ more so just so he didn't have to listen to how much I wanted a girl but none the less he is very excited too.  He has always known what he wanted to name his children I guess he got lucky that I really like the names he has had picked out for years.  We will call her Lily, the middle name was all my choice and I'm keeping it a secret :) So don't tell if you know!

20 weeks has treated me pretty good for the most part! I'm still attending the gym regularly and work is usually slamming most days so that's a workout in itself! I have to say I am loving how shiny my hair is :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fitness and pregnancy

Over the years of being a gym rat I have come to realize that motivation is everything. A person must have a strong will and desire to achieve goals in life. I believe the same goes for setting fitness goals. I was determined to get in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant for 2 reasons. One being so I knew that I was capable of completely transforming my body and cardiovascular shape into that of a fitness model. I know semi vain but why not set a crazy goal that for the most part was just silly. The second reason was so that it would help my pregnancy go smoother. I've always heard fit people have an easier time carrying a baby from start to delivery and post weight loss.

Diet- who on earth watches what they eat while they are pregnant? Someone who developed the habit before they became pregnant.  Being conscious about it helps maintain a healthy pregnancy. There is a great book my good friend Brittany suggested called Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven this book rocks not to mention it's hilarious and full of things I had no idea about. I can't tell you how many times I've heard Jacque you are eating for two now. Does that mean I get to eat two of everything? Sure why not have a second hamburger... typically a pregnant person needs about 300 extra calories a day. Now wait a can of soda is 250 calories sweet! Wrong! If you are eating 300 extra calories don't you think they should be good calories because it's what is nurturing the small human inside of you! SO GO CRAZY! Have some more fruit and veggies. Don't get me wrong it's ok to splurge and have the things you enjoy just do it in moderation. I have been beyond lucky with my pregnancy as far as morning sickness goes however I can not do sweet one bite and I'm sick to my stomach. I think this could have to do with how my diet was before I got knocked up. Whatever the reason is thank you pregnancy gods :) 

Gym- yes I'm still going! Why not? Though my work out routines have drastically changed to meet my changing body both physically and mentally. Man let me tell you the first couple of months were tough! I was so tired.... not to mention I serve for a living at the most visited tourist destination in the state of Oregon.  Between the hundreds of spring breakers and the last of the Groupons I thought I was going to die. I still made it to the gym for the most part 3 times a week which was a huge cut back for me. Many days I would go home and take a nap after my shift before dragging myself to do my cardio. I always felt better and had more energy once I was done. Over the years I have created a gym family! Talk about motivation! So I let a couple people in on my secret (I didn't even tell my parents till I was 14 weeks) so they would help motivate me and understand why I was so tired and slacking compared to normal.  My main squeeze Cindy has been my rock over the years when it comes to pushing my limits. We met each other at the gym she has taught me everything I know about weights. Just knowing that someone is there waiting on you to show up is motivation enough for me to get my butt there. Over the years we have become good friends outside of the gym I'm thankful to have such an inspirational person in my life. When I went for my first appt I was shocked to find out that I was able to continue my workout. She said because I was doing it before I could continue. its the people who don't work out and want to start when they find out they are expecting that have a hard time. Start before so much easier.