Wow I'm a little behind! So baby Lily is here, she came 18 days early. I wanted her to come into this world early but I could have used another week to prepare :) I started having those so called fake contractions but only at night and usually only 3 of them.
The morning of the 22nd I was woken up with those damn fake contractions, which by the way hurt! Again only about 3 of them and they stopped. TJ went to work and I was going to have lunch with a friend around 1230 and then going to hit the gym and finish up some house work. It was around 1130 I had another one of those fake contractions (so I thought). I was getting ready to goto lunch and I kept having them. They were about 10 mins apart and some a little more. So I called my lunch date who happens to be a nurse as well and she suggested I drink a big glass of water and walk. So I bundled up and took the dog out for a walk. (By now my contractions were about 6 minutes apart). I made it half a block and had to turn around. By now I was pretty sure Lily was going to come! Called TJ and told him I think that Lily was coming. Of course his response was are you sure! I wait for him to get home.
We head to the hospital around 230 pm by the time they check me in and hook me up to see if I was indeed in labor it was close to 330. They check me and I'm a tight 3 (deliver at a 10) my contractions now were every couple mins. I get the epidural around 5, phew what an amazing thing! I wasn't getting a break between contractions so holding still during the process was hard since my contractions were about every minute. The Dr came in and checked me and I was now a 4. She broke my water and told us she didn't think Lily would make an entrance tonight! I was no longer feeling the contractions so I was all good and waiting for the Blazer game to start.
The nurse came in to check me around 930 (the game had just finished) thank goodness cuz I was now a 9 and ready to start pushing. The nurse started me out while we waited for the Dr. I had no idea that you push 3 times in one contraction. Push for 10sec breath and repeat 2 more times. I did 3 sets of those pushes before the dr comes in and says I have to wait because she has to deliver another baby before mine. (What are you kidding...I just want this baby out) meanwhile I'm still not feeling a thing. I was able to push well enough I got to keep my epidural going :) thank you! Dr came back and I pushed 2 more contractions and Lily was here! I was beyond lucky pushing for 20mins total not bad! I like to think it's because I stayed in such good shape during my pregnancy! She weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20ins long. Born 1037pm. Less then 12 hrs from my very first contraction to giving birth to the beautiful Lily who I have so much love for it's crazy!
Being a mom is so challenging but very rewarding at the same time. I have not had more then 4 straight hours of sleep in the three weeks she's been here. My mom stayed the first week! That was a lifesaver I'm so thankful for all her help. I would have probably gone crazy sitting in the house by myself with a newborn. Not knowing the first thing about a baby. Breastfeeding is a challenge but has its benefits. That pain it causes at first means my stomach is going down yay! So I'll take the pain if it has that outcome right... being a mom is a huge learning experience but each day we get better at it! I'm so thankful for a healthy baby girl even if she is super gassy at night and for TJ who is an amazing dad who keeps me sane and helps out so much!
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