Saturday, June 15, 2013

It’s That Time!

I’ve had so much time to think about how I wanted to announce that we are having a baby.  It has been eight and a half years to be exact.  Over the years I have come up with every excuse known to man to put off having a baby.  You name it I have said it. I had to finish my bachelor’s, then while I’m at it I might as well finish my masters, snowboarding season, becoming homeowners and countless trips over years.  I was slowly able to cross off accomplishments off my list and realized that there is NO perfect time to have a baby and I couldn’t think of anything else to add to my list.

I have had how I wanted to announce the pregnancy to family for years.  Me and my creative self well not really but I do think I did a pretty good job.  Growing up I lived off Jones Soda.  Well years back I realize that you could customize your own bottle.  I knew right away that was how I was going to do it.  Putting a picture on the bottle to tell the world I’m pregnant. 
This is baby Sudbrock! Taken at my 12 week appointment.  We are due December 9th, 2013.  Just a few short weeks and we will find out what we are having!


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